Distancing from your thoughts

Here is another skill that I have been using. This is helpful for when you are feeling overwhelmed (as a lot of us are) and just being able to acknowledge and sit with difficult feeling states. I have the directions in the description section of my video.

Doom and Gloom Radio

  This is a skill you can use to get unhooked from difficult thoughts, especially that self criticism. Have you ever listened to talk radio? They are always going on and on, filling up air time, making big deals out of issues (some issues that are not that big to...

Boat on the Water

Imagine that you are on a boat in the ocean. Take a minute and imagine with all your sense. Imagine how your feet feel on the boat, how the air smells, the sounds of the waves, the feel of the sun on your skin. Now notice how the waves hit the boat and make it rock....